How to Open Dispute on AliExpress when the Seller is not Cooperating

Aliexpress is a marketplace, connecting buyers directly to sellers. In other words, when shopping on Aliexpress you are dealing with sellers directly and not Aliexpress and we know somethings things can go wrong. This could either be a seller that is out to scam you or a simple misunderstanding between you and the seller. But don’t worry, this is where Aliexpress steps in.

Despite being a marketplace, Aliexpress is a safe place to shop because the company works tirelessly to make sure that its customers are always protected.

When things go wrong when shopping on Aliexpress, the first thing you should to is to contact the seller. Most of the times, it could be an honest mistake. But when this fails to resolve your issue, what should you do next? Open a dispute. If you want to cancel your order instead, you can check out how to cancel order on AliExpress.

Once you open a dispute, the Aliexpress team will step in on the matter and try to resolve it for you. To open a dispute on Aliexpress is relatively simple and we are going to illustrate that below.

  1. Open the Aliexpress app on log in on the web.
  2. Go to the messages on the app.
  3. Then go to the “order” tab.
  4. Select the order you want to open dispute for.
  5. Click the “Open Dispute” button.
  6. Enter information related to the dispute on the next page. Be as detailed as possible.
  7. Then click the “Submit” button and wait for Aliexpress response. Aliexpress will take it from here and you will be hearing from them soon after.

The video below illustrates more on that.

That’s it on how to open dispute on Aliexpress. So, when next things go south with your order, I believe you know what to do?

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