Reviews from other users is one way for us to know whether what we are going for is good or bad, especially when it comes to buying products. So, it is no surprising that one of the most commonly asked questions about AliExpress is whether AliExpress reviews are real.
If you search for “AliExpress reviews” online, you will see hundreds of thousands of reviews about AliExpress.
Particularly, one popular review website Trustpilot has over 100,000 reviews from users on AliExpress with an average rating of 2.7 as at the time of writing this post.
You will also see hundreds of videos by people making reviews about AliExpress with headlines like “is AliExpress legit?”, “things you should know about AliExpress”, etc. All the attempt to address the question of whether or not to trust AliExpress.
Similarly, if you go to AliExpress and search for a product, you will quickly discover that most products on AliExpress has 100s of reviews.
But the question here is are all these reviews from real users with real experience? Are the reviews on products on AliExpress from people who have actually bought the product? Can we trust these reviews when buying from AliExpress?
To answer these questions, it is worth knowing what AliExpress and what AliExpress is not.
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So, What Actually is AliExpress?
In a simple sentence, AliExpress is a marketplace.
What this actually mean is that AliExpress mean is that AliExpress is like your traditional marketplace or shopping plaza where people set up their stores to sell different items and people gather to buy things. Only that this time, it is online and it is global. It is worth mentioning that most sellers on AliExpress are from China. That explains why products on AliExpress are so cheap.
In other words, AliExpress does not sell anything of their own but rather, you buy from sellers selling on AliExpress. But this raises another question…
Is AliExpress Safe?
Now you know what AliExpress is, you thought like what if I pay a seller and they run away with my money and don’t deliver? What if the seller sends the wrong product?
Don’t worry, AliExpress is a safe place to shop and we will explain that in more details.
Unlike the traditional marketplace, when you buy something from AliExpress, you actually pay to AliExpress and not to the seller directly. Then the seller has the responsibility of shipping your item through AliExpress Standard Shipping or through any other shipping method they support.
AliExpress will only release your money to the seller after they have confirmed you received your order and they are what you ordered.
If there is any problem with the order, you can always contact the seller through your order history on AliExpress. And if the seller is not responding according, you can always open a dispute and AliExpress will intervene.
If the seller is found guilty, AliExpress will offer you full refund.
This is what AliExpress calls “buyers protection”.
Now back to AliExpress Reviews…
Reviews on AliExpress (on product pages) are by people who have actually bought the product. You cannot place a review on a product on AliExpress without actually first buying the product. So, it is safe to say that these reviews are by people with real experience with the product.
Similarly, AliExpress reviews on websites like the Trustpilot we mentioned above are mostly by people who have had an experience with AliExpress. Although there is no way those site owners can verify if the review has actually bought anything on AliExpress or have had an encounter with AliExpress. But given the large number of reviewers, it is safe to assume that a good number of those reviews are coming from people who have had an encounter with AliExpress.
So, to answer the question “are AliExpress reviews real?“, the answer is yes, AliExpress reviews are real.
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